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This website uses its own and third party cookies to offer you a better experience and service. By browsing or using our services the user accepts our use of cookies. However, the user has the option to prevent the generation of cookies and the elimination of the same by selecting the appropriate option in your browser. In case of blocking the use of cookies in your browser it is possible that some services or functionalities of the website may not be available.

What is a cookie?

A ‘cookie’ is a small piece of text that websites send to the browser and that is stored on the user’s terminal, which can be a personal computer, cell phone, tablet, etc. These files allow the website to remember information about your visit, such as language and preferred options, which can make your next visit easier and make the site more useful by personalizing its content. Cookies play a very important role in improving the experience of using the website.

How are cookies used?

By browsing this web portal the user is accepting that cookies may be installed in his terminal and that they allow us to know the following information:

Statistical information on the use of the web.

The user’s login to keep the session active on the website.

The preferred web format for access from mobile devices.

The last searches performed in the web services and personalization data of these services.

Information about the advertisements shown to the user.

Information on the surveys in which the user has participated.

Social network connection data for users who log in with their Facebook or Twitter user.

Types of cookies used

This website uses both temporary session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies store data only while the user accesses the website and persistent cookies store data in the terminal to be accessed and used in more than one session.

Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained through cookies are processed, the website may use:

Technical cookies

They are those that allow the user to navigate through the website or application and the use of the different options or services that exist in it. For example, control traffic and data communication, identify the session, access restricted web parts, remember the elements that make up an order, make the application for registration or participation in an event, use security features while browsing and store content for broadcast video or sound.

Personalization cookies

These are those that allow the user to access the service with some general characteristics predefined in the terminal or defined by the user. For example, the language, the type of browser through which you access the service, the selected content design, geolocation of the terminal and the regional configuration from where the service is accessed.

Advertising Cookies

Son aquéllas que permiten la gestión eficaz de los espacios publicitarios que se han incluido en la página web o aplicación desde la que se presta el servicio. Permiten adecuar el contenido de la publicidad para que esta sea relevante para el usuario y para evitar mostrar anuncios que el usuario ya haya visto.

Statistical analysis cookies

Son aquéllas que permiten realizar el seguimiento y análisis del comportamiento de los usuarios en los sitios web. La información recogida mediante este tipo de ‘cookies’ se utiliza en la medición de la actividad de los sitios web, aplicación o plataforma y para la elaboración de perfiles de navegación de los usuarios de dichos sitios, con el fin de introducir mejoras en el servicio en función de los datos de uso que hacen los usuarios.

Third-party cookies

En algunas páginas web se pueden instalar ‘cookies’ de terceros que permiten gestionar y mejorar los servicios ofrecidos. Como por ejemplo, servicios estadísticos de Google Analytics y Comscore.

How to disable Cookies and Web Bugs in the main browsers:

It is usually possible to stop accepting browser Cookies, or to stop accepting Cookies from a particular Service.

Todos los navegadores modernos permiten cambiar la configuración de Cookies. Estos ajustes normalmente se encuentra en las ‘opciones’ o ‘Preferencias’ del menú de su navegador. Asimismo, puede configurar su navegador o su gestor de correo electrónico, así como instalar complementos gratuitos para evitar que se descarguen los Web Bugs al abrir un email.

The FUNDACIÓN FOMACIÓN Y FUTURO website offers guidance to the User on how to access the cookies configuration menu and, where appropriate, private browsing in each of the main browsers:

  • Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Settings.

For more information, you can consult Microsoft support or the browser’s Help.

  • Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Custom Settings

For more information, you can consult Mozilla support or the browser’s Help.

  • Chrome: Settings -> Show advanced options -> Privacy -> Content settings.

For more information, you can consult Google support or browser Help.

  • Safari: Preferences -> Security.

For more information, you can consult Apple support or the browser’s Help.

What happens if Cookies are disabled

Some functionalities of the Services will be disabled such as, for example, remaining logged in, keeping purchases in the “shopping cart” in an e-commerce Service, receiving information directed to your location or viewing some videos.


The IGEMA website of the FUTURE AND TRAINING FOUNDATION may modify this Cookies Policy according to legislative or regulatory requirements, or in order to adapt the policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, so Users are advised to visit it periodically.

When significant changes are made to this Cookie Policy, they will be communicated to Users either through the website or via email to registered Users.

Legal information

In compliance with the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (Law 34/2002 – LSSI-CE), in force since October 12, 2002, the following information is hereby made public:

>Purpose of the website: Presentation of technical and commercial information on available products and services.
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