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Get to know us


The affiliation agreement with Rovira and Virgili University underscores IGEMA’s commitment to excellence and educational quality with the aim of providing students with the tools, competencies, and skills necessary to succeed in their future professional careers. IGEMA offers academics based on high quality standards that aim to foster a positive attitude, leadership, and entrepreneurial spirit through teachings combining high academic value with a distinctly practical character.

In order to achieve these objectives, IGEMA has created a Quality Policy and a Quality Manual using the Rovira and Virgili University´s quality manual and the “Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)” as references.

The Foundation is a non-profit entity committed to the education of individuals aspiring to have a positive influence on society, promoting integrity, a spirit of service, professionalism, and responsibility. It has been registered in the Foundation Registry of the Generalitat de Catalunya since 1993 and has been recognized as an institution of educational charitable interest by the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The Education and Future Foundation (Fundación Formación y Futuro) originated in 1958 when the School of Business Administration was created, and since then, it has accumulated over 60 years of experience in the training, management, and development of educational institutions.

In application of this Quality Policy, IGEMA is committed to fostering quality and continuous improvement through three axes:

IGEMA has defined quality objectives and quality policy based on the standards upheld by the Rovira and Virgili University (URV). As an affiliated center of URV, IGEMA shares the same principles and values of providing a quality university education based on excellence and supporting social commitment and university cooperation for development.

The Quality Manual aims to define IGEMA’s Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIQ). The Manual provides a general description of the objectives and structure of the Quality Management System (SGIC) defined and implemented by IGEMA.

Strategic Processes

Key Processes

Support Processes

University centers participated by the Foundation with collaboration agreements



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